Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Week In NZ

This week I mainly just went to school and hung out with my host family. I haven't done a whole yet because of school, but soon I'll be traveling to the South Island which will be awesome! Here are just some random pics from the week (Jan 9-13).

Love my bed

We came home from school to find our clothes drying outside. No shame here

A park by our house

Can you believe ham is this much!?

Some flower thing my teacher brought in, It made me sneeze

exactly how I feel when I get home from school

Josiah with his T-Rex

Working in our mini class

Ok, so this taste like Sprite on Steroids

So far the way I have made this it tastes like chocolate milk

trying to get some sleep here

Mandy is too (She's usually the one that throws things at Margo when she snores too loud)

We went on a walk to found ice cream and passed this shop

This is where our host dad Phil works (College is high school here)

found the place finally

Here we made dinner for the family, not sure what to call it but it was really good

Josiah really liked the meal

They come to say hi to us everyday when we get home from school 

I'm wearing Cameron's shirt because it doesn't fit him anymore

playing on the trampoline

We had a "ladies night" going to the local Denny's for dessert

So Bangers & Mash is sausage and mashed potatoes and expensive!

I think this is a shank of lamb, maybe?

All restaurants should have this sign!

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